Servierless Microservice Applications

Composing single application of many loosely coupled smaller independent deployable services(Cloud Native). Service has own stack, and communicate with another by REST API, event streaming or message brokers.

Microservice Benefits:

  • Code can be updated and deployed more easly
  • Teams, can work on different stacks
  • Components, can be scaled independently from each other. Reducing cost significantly.
  • Finally small size of the services, combined with communication patterns, makes it easier for new members to understand code base and contribute quickly.

Interactive Data Visualisation

In the world of Big Data, data visualisation tools and technologies are essential to analyze massive amount of information, to make serious decisions. Data Visualisation is the graphical representation of information. Most common techniques are visual elements like charts, graphs, maps etc. But sometimes can use different data presentation tecniques like infographics, timeline and much more.

Data Visualisation helps tell stories by curating data into a from easier to understand. A good visualisation tells a story, removing noise from data and highlighting the useful information.

PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

Progressive Web Apps are web apps that use web browser API and features, to bring native app-like user experience to cross-platform web applications. In order to call a Web App a PWA, it should have following features.

  • Manifest.json: Configuration file that controlls how your app appears to the user. It describes the name of the app, the start URL, icons, and all of the other details necessary to transform the website into an app-like format. Manifest file is in json format.
  • Secure Contexts (HTTPS):The web application must be served over a secure network. Being secure site is not only good practice, but alsu establishes your site as trusted, specially if users need to make secure transactions.
  • Service Workers:A service worker is a script, wich runing on separate thread, that allows intercepting and control network requests and asset caching. With service workers, developers can create reliably fast web pages and offline experience.

Data cleaning also called data cleansing or scrubling, deals with detecting and removing errors and inconsistencies from data. Reason to doing that is improve the quality of data. Data quality problems are present in single data collections, such as files and databases, e.g., due to misspellings during data entry, missing information or other invalid data.

Cleaning and transforming data

When multiple data sources need to be integrated, e.g., in data warehouses, federated database systems or global web-based information systems, the need for data cleaning increases significantly. This is because the sources often contain redundant data in different representations. In order to provide access to accurate and consistent data, consolidation of different data representations and elimination of duplicate information become necessary.


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