
In my previous post I gave overview picture about streams, and my library To continue streams topic with some real world example, let's create static file server using streams. Before start need to install dependency functional_tasks.

npm i functional_tasks

Like I mention in the previous topic, streams are memory efficient. Because static files can be any size, using streams is very useful, to avoid memory failures. Also, this tutorial is just proof of concept, I tried to make as simple as possible. To make in production, will need more error catching and more file extension type support. For Typescript users, need to define types.

What we need

There is list of components, what we need for a static server.

  • http module to handling http requests.
  • fs module to working with files.
  • File extension map to handle response content headers.
  • Stream module from functional_tasks package.


Step by step what we will do.

  • Extract file path from http.IncommingMessage
  • Check if file Exists in target directory.
  • read stream from file system and write to httpStream on response.
  • Return Not Found response, if file not exist.

Step One

Create FileMap.js, there is correct header mapping to the file extension. Like I mention at the beginning, there not have all file types.

export const FileMap = { '.ico': 'image/x-icon', '.html': 'text/html', '.js': 'text/javascript', '.json': 'application/json', '.css': 'text/css', '.png': 'image/png', '.jpg': 'image/jpeg', '.wav': 'audio/wav', '.mp3': 'audio/mpeg', '.svg': 'image/svg+xml', '.pdf': 'application/pdf', '.doc': 'application/msword' };

Step Two

Resolve and fix pathName. If pathname not defined, will bind to index.html. parsedUrl is Nodejs Url module.

const setPathName = (parsedUrl, {directory}) => parsedUrl.pathname === '/' ? `./${directory}/index.html` : `./${directory}${parsedUrl.pathname}`;

Step Three

Extract pathName from request IncommingMessage.

import {parse} from 'url'; const parsedUrl = ({url}, options) =>{ const uriPath = parse(url); return setPathName(uriPath, options); }

Step Four

Check if file from a requested path exist.

import fs from 'fs'; const fileExist = (pathname) => fs.existsSync(pathname);

Step Five

Now time to use streams.

import {fileReadStream, writeStream} from 'functional_tasks'; // FileMap is file created above import {FileMap} from './FileMap'; import path from 'path'; const successDataResponse = (pathname, res) => { // getting file extension const ext = path.parse(pathname).ext; // apply correct content-type header. text/plain for unknown types. res.setHeader('Content-type', FileMap[ext] || 'text/plain'); // Create compatible write stream for `functional_tasks` const responseStream = writeStream(res); // read from file system, and save in to response. return fileReadStream(pathname) .through(responseStream) .run(); };

I convert response stream to functional_tasks compatible const responseStream = writeStream(res); and run it. When stream finishes, will return Promise fulfilled.

Step Six

Only if file exists, we run stream.

const fileResponse = async (res, pathname) => fileExist(pathname) ? successDataResponse(pathname, res) : Promise.reject();

Step Seven

Listen on httpServer.

export const staticServer = (req, res, options) => { const pathname = parsedUrl(req, options); return fileResponse(res, pathname) }

We prepare pathname, and return promise with stream. One more thing I want to tell regards to options, we support directory, you can configure, which directory, you want to give to access.

Ok, all Static.js together:

import {parse} from 'url'; import {fileReadStream, writeStream} from 'functional_tasks'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import {FileMap} from './FileMap'; const fileExist = (pathname) => fs.existsSync(pathname); const setPathName = (parsedUrl, {directory}) => parsedUrl.pathname === '/' ? `./${directory}/index.html` : `./${directory}${parsedUrl.pathname}`; const parsedUrl = ({url}, options) =>{ const uriPath = parse(url); return setPathName(uriPath, options); } const successDataResponse = (pathname, res) => { const ext = path.parse(pathname).ext; res.setHeader('Content-type', FileMap[ext] || 'text/plain'); return fileReadStream(pathname) .through(writeStream(res)) .run(); }; const fileResponse = async (res, pathname) => fileExist(pathname) ? successDataResponse(pathname, res) : Promise.reject(); export const staticServer = (req, res, options) => { const pathname = parsedUrl(req, options); return fileResponse(res, pathname) }

Step Eight

Handle "Not found" if file not exists, here is file NotFoundResponsejs

import {constants} from 'http2'; const htmlResponse = `<html><body>Resource Not Found</body></html>`; export const NotFoundResponse = (response) => { response.statusCode = constants.HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') response.end(htmlResponse) };

This part return "Resource Not Found" html response, with Not Found statusCode.

Step Nine

Check, if request method is GET, for any other requests, will be not found. testifGetMethod will return Promise resolve on success, reject if different method than GET.

const testIfGetMethod =({method}) => method === 'GET' ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();

Step Ten

Http Server, to listen incoming requests.

import http from 'http'; import {staticServer} from './Static'; import {NotFoundResponse} from './NotFoundResponse'; const testIfGetMethod =({method}) => method === 'GET' ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject(); const port = 8080; http.createServer((req, resp) => { testIfGetMethod(req) .then(() => staticServer(req, resp, {directory: 'files'})) .catch(() => NotFoundResponse(resp)) }).listen(port, () => { console.log('app listening on port', port); });

That's it, now we have fully working static file server.

Full example can find in github here


Using Nodejs streams are easy, and no need for any extra dependencies. Of course out there is different static file libraries, but good to understand, how they working.



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